Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Finally an update!

Reagan is almost 8 months old now, how the time flies! She is doing great! Reagan has turned into quite a little goof-ball, and we are having so much fun with her! When you are not giving her your undivided attention, she has started a fake cough to let you know that you better be paying attention to her! Ha! Ha! She loves anything to do with music, and she is laughing all the time now. Reagan is going to be wearing a helmet for the next three months, as she has a muscle in her neck that is really tight, and it is forcing her head to lay in a certain position, causing her head and face to be slightly out of proportion.......but she is still the most beautiful baby girl in the whole world!! She has been handling the helmet so well, she is our little trooper. She will begin physical therapy on March 3rd, and she should be all better in no time! Reagan is amazing, she is our everything, and she lights up our lives.